


From the Woods 

Hi! My name is Tosca Van der Wouden, which translates to Tosca From the Woods. 
As we all come from the woods, I say; let's go find our roots. I am passionate about creating a healthy, sustainable and inclusive living environment. I'm fascinated by social and cultural change and curious about the many different ways it happens. As a freelancer and ecopreneur I do various interdisciplinary projects with the same goal: improving the connection with ourselves, eachother and nature.

As a people-person with a holistic worldview, I like to connect with people and make the connection between different disciplines and sectors. With my experience in several layers and sectors of society, i'm able to connect the dots between for example the realm of policy, media, science, ngo's, business and the cultural sector. With my background in Media & Culture and International Relations, I'm trained in analyzing macro developments. At the same time i'm pragmatic, without losing sight of the bigger picture. 

I have a keen interest in philosophy, art, nature, music, sustainable fashion, photography, mindfullnes and communication. As a curious person, i'm learning something new every day! I wish to contribute in the realm of nature conservation, supporting biodiversity, regenerative agriculture and creating awareness on these topics. How can we collaborate in the creation of diverse regenerative cultures?

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